Social media manager

Do you think you might need some help with social media?

So, you have been dabbling on social media for years now.

You keep in contact with your friends and family on facebook, and have an Instagram account that you add to every now again - and because everyone else seems to have business pages, you started a couple of social media channels for your business or organisation. However, you just find the whole thing a bit of a chore.

Sound like you?

Well then, let me give you some reasons why you might want to think about engaging me to help with your social media:

Reason 1: You don’t have enough time

As small business owners and entrepreneurs, we do not have much spare time to focus on things that we aren’t good at or things don’t make us money. But, I can take that off you so that you can focus on doing what you love.

Social media

Reason 2: You never quite got the hang of social media

So, you understand the social importance of Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest but you aren’t actually aware of how to use it to benefit your business. Well, I can help you! Social media has the potential to bring in targeted customers who were not previously on your radar. I can bring in those clients and helps you start building your engagement with them today.

Reason 3: You want to increase engagement with customers

If you’re currently doing all the things that you think you need to on your social media channels but your engagement is still sparse then it may be time to invest in me. I know the best ways to increase engagement and get your audience talking about your business.

Reason 4: You’re not consistent with your posts

If you’re just posting sporadically, without any real strategy, then you may need my help. On all social media, consistency is key. Unfortunately, posting randomly will not lead to followers, likes, and comments. If you only have time to post sporadically and you haven’t figured out the best strategy for your business, I will help.

Small business owner

Reason 5: You no longer enjoy it

Did you remember when you once enjoyed managing your social media? And it’s just another thing to check off your ever-growing to-do list? Then I think it might be time to take me on. Doing something that feels like a chore that doesn’t even generate a lot of profit for your business is unnecessary when you can have someone who is knowledgeable do it for you.

I know taking on a social media manager may seem like an additional expense, but you really need to ask yourself, how much can I make if I hand these tasks to someone else, and instead focus on what I am good at?

Why not give me a call or visit and see if I can help




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Ughhh...Social Media, why bother?