Frequently Asked Questions

What does a social media manager do?

Social media, digital marketing,  a good website and SEO are nowadays just as important to the running or starting of a business as administration and HR. However these tasks do sometimes feel like they are taking valuable time away from what you actually want to be doing, and sometimes even taking over your life.

Once you are released from dealing with these everyday and important tasks, you are free to do what you do best - move your business forward.

A digital marketer, freelance consultant or social media manager is essentially a self employed member of your team who doesn't have to work in your office, although I can, and do work with clients in their offices when they ask or need me to.

I have everything set up from my office at home and can work with clients anywhere in the world.

You set me a task, I complete it. It`s as simple as that. You get an extra pair of hands when you need it, without the cost of taking on a member of staff.

Do I need to pay you a pension or holiday and sick pay?

No. As I work as a freelancer you do not have the ongoing costs of a salary, holiday & sick pay, pension and equipment costs or the expenses of training and recruitment. This saves you money as you only pay me when you need work completing.  You don't have to provide me with an office, a computer, or even make me a cup of tea, unless you want to. (1 sugar and soya milk thanks)

Security and Data Protection

I will always keep all work that I do for you confidential  and secure and will never discuss or disclose information to any third parties.  You will always be the legal owner and will hold intellectual copyright of all work undertaken by myself.

How do I pay you?

First time Clients will initially be invoiced after two (2) weeks then all subsequent invoices will usually be sent monthly on the last day of the month and I ask for payment within 14 days to my UK bank account.

Do I need to sign a contract?

We will work together to decide what hours you need me to work and what tasks you want completing, and will then both sign a Freelance Agreement. I will also send along my T&C's. 

I will always keep you updated on the status of you work (if you want me to) and will always let you know if a task is taking longer than expected or is pushing your monthly retainer limit

I  will never work over what we have agreed, unless I have spoken to you first.